You can create computer-generated imagery with a digital camera and software such as Adobe Photoshop. We will only discuss transfers on soft clay here. However, with the diminished water content of drier clay, you’ll need to add additional water to make the transfer work successfully. The same process can be used to apply imagery to leather hard and even bisqueware. In the wet state, there’s enough water present in the clay for the transfer to readily occur. The process used here works best on soft clay and can be applied to any handbuilt or thrown clay surface provided the clay is reasonably soft. Today, he explains his simple and kid-friendly process of image transfer onto clay. From there he carves in the line work and adds color with underglazes. He discovered that an ink jet print out, will easily transfer imagery to pottery. So he had to find another approach to image transfer onto clay. He tried decals, but it wasn’t the look he was after – he wanted the photos to help him create the images, but he didn’t want the images to look exactly like photographs. Pottery Making Illustrated Submission GuidelinesĪ few years back, Doug Gray was interested in incorporating his digital photography into his clay work.Pottery Making Illustrated's Print Mailing Schedule.

Ceramics Monthly's Print Mailing Schedule.Workhouse Clay International ICAN Merit Award.ICAN Making a Difference in Ceramics Award.Annual National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition Award.